New phoenix gay bar

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State Representative Kyrsten Sinema, (D) is openly bisexual.ĭepending on whose numbers you use, Phoenix is either the nation's fifth or sixth largest city. Phoenix has an openly gay city council member, Tom Simplot, and Arizona boasts three openly gay state politicians, state Senators Ken Cheuvront (D) and Paula Aboud (D), and state Representative Robert Meza (D). Congressman Jim Kolbe (R-Tucson) and the former mayor of Tempe, Neil Giuliano, also a Republican who is now president of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. The state of Arizona has elected a number of openly gay politicians, including retiring U.S. While the blazing hot summers and the sunny dry winters are alien to most San Franciscans, the LGBT-positive political climate of the two cities is more similar than different. Think the opposite and you will get a pretty good idea of what it's like in Phoenix most of the time.

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Think of a typical foggy day in San Francisco.

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