Dale DaBone plays Banner with panache and the female supporting cast includes many favorites like Tanya Tate, India Summer, Gracie Glam and Zoe Voss, all of whom ranked among the best of the era in terms of real acting ability.
Less successful are the rugs worn by the male cast, in particular a lousy one for nominal bad guy Randy Spears playing an annoying National Enquirer-styled tabloid reporter. I especially liked the resemblance of actress Lily to the wonderful 1970s porn star (quite underrated) Kim Pope, a fitting touch given the 1970s setting of the story. The piano score (credited to familiar porn music provider Rock Hard) and a sensitive lead performance by Lily LaBeau are quite moving at times. Banner and his tragic life are well-known to Marvel fans and of course tv and movie fans, but this hardcore porn version captures the romance, suspense and action elements of the material successfully. The silliness and lame attempts at black humor that ruin most of their work are thankfully avoided.
Skow and screenwriter David Stanley, this porn-parody from Vivid Video is blessed with an excellent cast but more importantly finds the filmmakers serious about their work. One of the better collaborations between director B.